Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Crazed taxis and cheap chinese

So to even say "crazed taxis" in SA is utterly tautologic and verbose (for the super bright ones out there - anyone, anyone??? -yes, I do realise) but nevertheless, it must be said.

Capetonians who moan about taxis really have no clue. JHB taxis are a special special breed of crazy.

Cheap chinese. I'm not referring to the women in point rd (ok, fine, I know that's in durbs, sooorrrreeeeee for not knowing the local prozzie hang out in JHB), I'm referring to the meal I bought today from Kung Fu Kitchen. WHAT A BARGAIN!!

What else.. yesterday I met a tame(ISH) vulture named Percy - one of the reasons i'm in joburg was for the launch of this project through which we are working with the agricultural industry to save SA's vultures.

Anyway, the good news is that because JHB is so dry my hair is looking downright fabulous. (Yes, you can be straight and use that word!)


Tamara said...

Sometimes tautology is necessary to highlight the true emotion behind what you're trying to say. Like bad, evil, luny, crazed TAXIS from hell. And yes, verbosity is usually tautologous. Hehehe... I just like that word so much I want to say it again and again. Tautology. So satisfying. Again! Perhaps that's why they picked it to mean what it does?

Can you tell I've had too much caffeine this morning?

Anonymous said...
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Sweets said...

those vultures are huge eh? lucky you for meeting percy!!!

Tamara said...

Yo, wench! Where is the new post? Your loyal readers grow restless.

Caz said...

haha...ooming right up!!!!

Caz said...

haha...ooming right up!!!!