Monday, December 01, 2008

he (also) finally did it....

The Band himself posted his very first comment on my blog and there is even talk about him doing a guest post, he enjoyed it so much.

(The difference between guys and girls is that if i was reading the 10 things that the Band finds most annoying about me i'd probably leave miffed. Not The Band. He cackled evilly and no doubt made some internal vows to step up the efforts in the annoying the Caz department!)

Slyde and Glugs even got special mentions from him! fame indeed.
Go check his comment on this post, pay no heed to his insiduous lies and allegations though...

Oh and pleeeeeeeeeeeez all comment - it will make his day.


po said...

Haha, nice one. Maybe I should try writing a similar post about my bf, but I doubt he would ever comment on my blog.

Slyde said...

very nice! i feel blessed! :)

Tamara said...

Hehehehe... The easiest way to get a man to do anything - involve his ego ;-)